About Me

I am a self taught fiber artist.  I learned to sew in junior high in home economics. Most of my sewing has been in clothing constructive.  In 2007 I began to learn traditional quilting and decided to join a quilt guild to learn from more experienced quitters.  The group met monthly and during show and tell, I saw both traditional and art quilts and decided that I wanted “to do that.”  Quilts that told stories.  Quilts that used bright colors, often traditional and hand dyed African fabrics Ghana, Senegal and Mali.  I was hooked.

Today, I create original designs for wall hangings and quilts that tell stories about African culture and history.  I find inspiration in music, art, history, nature, biblical stories and beyond.  I love combining colors and textures.  Often I “break the rules” to create unusual color schemes and symbols, especially in abstract art pieces.   My spirit is fed by quiet time, time to reflect and create.  One of my pieces was created for The Holy City: Art of Love, Unity and Resurrection.    The exhibit was held in Charleston, South Carolina, June 1 through July 17, 2016 dedicated to the memory of nine souls that were lost on the evening of June 17, 2015 and to their family members to continue to heal from their loss.